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Sys Recessed
Products > Sys > Sys > Sys Recessed
Sys Recessed

/ About Sys Recessed

Recessed low-voltage system with housing made of aluminium profile with 25micron maximum corrosion resistance textured electrostatic 100% polyester paint.
Aluminium anodised end caps with electrostatic 100% polyester paint with textured-finish.
Fitting accessories ordered separately.

.01 White
.02 Black

/ Structure

Structure segments 70000 70001
End Caps 70006 70006
Blind module direct 71000 71001 71002 71003
Structure segments 70000 70001
End Caps 70006 70006
Blind module direct 71000 71001 71002 71003

/ Connectors

Structure connectors 70009 70012 70015 70018 70021
Structure connectors 70009 70012 70015 70018 70021
Electrical connectors 70024 70025 70026 70027 70028
Electrical connectors 70024 70025 70026 70027 70028

/ Power Supply

Maximum total light source power
Maximum total light source power
Intrack 70030 70031
Remote 70036 70037 70038 70039
Maximum total light source power
Intrack 70030 70031
Remote 70036 70037 70038 70039

/ Modules